7 Ways to Open Up a Better Survey Email Response

7 Ways to Open Up a Better Survey Email Response
Surveys relay an abundance of customer feedback that feeds the needs of businesses. But acquiring this feedback can be a difficult experience. Email is among the most popular channels for sending out surveys, but many of these survey requests don’t get the requested response. Luckily, there are ways to make a survey email much more engaging and increase the chance of completion. Marketingland.com offered tips to make survey emails click with recipients.

1. Don’t Subject People to Dull Subject Lines
Straightforward subject lines cause emails to go in the trash. Instead, create compelling subject lines that intrigue and interest recipients. Include a special offer, tell people what’s in it for them, or add some personalization to increase the odds of opening.

2. Stay Short and Sweet
People don’t want to waste their time, so take up as little as possible with your survey request email. Highlight how little time the survey will take and the benefits for them. Get those points across in less than 15 seconds and you’ll have a higher chance of their participation.

3. Expect Better Results by Setting Survey Expectations
Be honest about what’s involved in the survey. Tell people how long it will take and what their feedback will do. By letting people know what to expect, you can expect a greater survey response.

4. Increase Involvement with Incentives
Customer feedback offers benefits to businesses, so it helps to offer benefits to the people providing their comments. Adding incentives to a survey email can increase survey participation. Depending on the incentive, it can also boost business.

5. Request Reviews with Relevant Emails
Given the personal value of peer recommendation, including high-quality customer reviews on a website can greatly improve sales. To get the optimal response from your emails requesting reviews, personalize the content with the products each person purchased. The emails will read as more relevant and create a positive impression that leads to participation.

6. Start the Survey Email with an Element of the Survey

Rather than write a lofty and lengthy survey request email, get to the point and let customers get to the survey by using one of the survey questions in place of the introduction. This leads people directly into the survey, which reduces their time involved and increases both the click-through and survey completion rates.

7. Make the Message Mobile
Mobile has gone mainstream, so optimize your survey to be viewed and completed on mobile devices. Use mobile-friendly survey software to ease and enhance their experience.

Open up new email marketing strategies. Contact MDG today at 561-338-7797 or visit www.mdgsolutions.com.

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