Marketing to Moms: 5 Things Brands Need to Know [Infographic]

If moms could send marketers to their rooms without dinner, they probably would.
Why? Because the majority of mothers in the United States (51%) say advertisers do a bad job with their mom-related marketing by presenting outdated views of who they are and what they want.
This is a major failure for brands. Moms are a large, powerful, and discerning demographic that demands nuanced attention from businesses. Ignoring the desires of mothers quickly leads to damaged reputations and lost revenue.
So how can companies do a better job with marketing to moms? It begins with understanding a few basic facts. Check out the key considerations below, as well as MDG’s new infographic, Marketing to Moms: 5 Things Brands Need to Know.
1. The Mom Market Is Enormous and Diverse
There are a lot of moms, and the composition of the group varies in all sorts of ways, from age to work status. Those facts may seem obvious, but they are often forgotten by brands.
The number of moms is huge:
- 70% of women in the world age 15 and older are moms
- There are an estimated 85 million mothers in America
Moms span a wide range of ages:
- The average age of a first-time mom in the U.S. is 25.8 years
- 85% of births are to women under the age of 35, but 66% of moms overall are 35+
- The share of women having kids in their 30s and 40s has more than doubled in the past 40 years
- Millennials now make up about 20% of all mothers in the U.S.
Mothers have all sorts of work situations:
- 71% of moms with children younger than 18 are in the labor force
- Mothers are the sole or primary source of income for 40% of all households with children under the age of 18
- Women own 40% of all private businesses in America
2. Women Are an Extraordinarily Valuable Audience
It’s well-known to many businesses that women are responsible for a significant amount of consumer spending. But exactly how big is this share? Put simply: it’s huge.
- Women are responsible for 85% of household income spending in the U.S.
- 75% of women identify themselves as the primary household shopper
- Women control $2.1 trillion dollars of spending each year in the U.S.
This decision-making spans verticals and product types:
- 93% of food purchases are made by women
- 80% of healthcare decisions are made by women
- 92% of vacation planning is done by women
- 50% of products typically marketed to men are purchased by women
3. Reaching Moms Requires the Right Messaging
Connecting effectively with mothers begins with using the right tone. Unfortunately, many marketers seem to be striking the wrong notes.
- 46% of mothers think mom-related marketing presents unrealistic ideals
- 35% feel pigeonholed by brands
- 28% think marketing to mothers is sexist
- 32% feel most marketing to mothers is patronizing
So what’s the right approach? A survey of moms by Saatchi Worldwide found a major disconnect between what marketers portray and how mothers actually feel.
Brands’ Depictions of Motherhood
Motherhood is the toughest job in the world
Being a mom is about caring and nurturing
How Moms Actually Feel
I don’t view having kids as another job
It is an emotionally complex relationship
Moms should be put up on a pedestal
I’m a real, flawed, individual; not a saint
Motherhood is hectic, with flashes of pride I expect more out of life than just drudgery
4. The Traditional Media Habits of Moms Are Changing
Many traditional channels remain hugely popular with mothers, but the media consumption habits of the demographic—as with all groups—is shifting.
Television remains very popular:
- Moms 18–49 watch 30 hours and 46 minutes of TV per week, on average
- Stay-at-home moms watch 36 hours 26 minutes of TV per week, on average
- Working moms watch 28 hours and 49 minutes of TV per week, on average
As does radio:
- 77% of moms in the United States listen to radio regularly
- 57% of stay-at-home moms listen to radio outside of the house
- 77% of working moms listen to radio outside of the house
But technologies are impacting behavior across-the-board.
Share of moms ages 18–49 who own or use a:
- DVR: 54%
- Smart TV: 34%
- Video-on-Demand Service: 72%
- Smartphone: 97%
5. Moms Are Deeply Engaged with Digital Channels
While every demographic in the United States—and the world—is becoming increasingly digitally dependent, this trend is especially pronounced with mothers.
- 95% of moms in the United States use the Internet
- 83% of moms have Wi-Fi at home
- Moms in the U.S. spend 3 hours online each day, on average
- 59% of moms say the Internet is the most essential media in their life
Moms are embracing digital channels and devices:
- 53% have listened to online radio in the past month
- 59% primarily access the Internet via a mobile device
Especially social media:
- 88% of moms in the U.S. say they use social media
- 56% access social networks multiple times a day
- 66% of moms turn to social media for parenting advice
What Brands Need to Remember When It Comes to Moms
Ultimately, if you want to do a better job in marketing to moms, keep these key facts in mind:
- The mom demographic is big group that varies widely in age and work status
- Women drive most consumer purchase decisions across the economy
- Motherhood isn’t sainthood or a job; it’s an emotionally complex role
- Mothers still consume a lot of traditional media, but habits are changing
- Moms are very savvy digitally and highly engaged on social media
To find out more, check out the full infographic, Marketing to Moms: 5 Things Brands Need to Know.
MDG, a full-service advertising agency with offices in Boca Raton and New York, NY, is one of Florida’s top branding firms. MDG’s capabilities include print advertising, direct mail marketing, branding, logo design, creative, media buying and planning, radio and TV advertising, outdoor, newspaper, digital marketing, website design and development, online video advertising, infographic development, email marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, paid search marketing, and SEO. To learn about the latest trends in advertising and branding, contact MDG today at 561-338-7797 or visit