Mobile Users Maintain Loyalty to Print Media [Infographic]

While mobile devices have undoubtedly soared in popularity, their users still have love and loyalty toward traditional print media. This fondness for print was revealed in a recent survey by the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the University of Missouri and the results were compiled into an interesting infographic posted on The infographic showed that a nearly equal percentage of close to 40 percent of mobile and non-mobile users still subscribe to at least one newsmagazine or newspaper. This clearly shows that traditional print media remains a part of our modern lives. Understandably, marketers have recently focused on the higher-educated and higher-earning mobile users, especially since 81 percent make more than $75,000 per year and two-thirds of U.S. adults use their mobile devices daily. Interestingly, the study also indicated correlations among mobile devices and both the income and education levels of their users. Owners of Apple and Blackberry smartphones had higher incomes and education levels than Android users. These findings were mirrored for tablet usage, with more than 60 percent of iPad owners having at least a 4-year university degree and income over $75,000, compared to Android tablet users who reported the same percentage earning a lower income and more than half lacking a college degree. Take a look at the following infographic for the complete picture.
Infographic by Carlos Monteiro
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MDG, a full-service Florida advertising firm with offices in Boca Raton and New York, NY, specializes in developing targeted Internet marketing solutions, exceptional creative executions and solid branding and media buying strategies that give clients a competitive advantage. Our core capabilities include branding, logo design, advertising campaigns, digital marketing, print advertising, direct mail marketing, media planning and buying, radio and TV advertising, video, Web design and development, mobile marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and SEO.
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