Will Mobile Ads in Windshields Drive Consumers to Buy?

Imagine driving down the road when a sudden mobile ad fogs up your windshield. This could be reality sooner than you realize. At the recent Consumer Electronics Show, a futuristic windshield that displays mobile ads literally stopped traffic. Technology experts believe that this windshield will be widely available in less than two years. To see why this ad-running windshield could be the latest in mobile advertising, The Drive offered a glimpse at what could soon be right before our eyes.
The windshield features a special type of glass that’s similar to the one found on the iPhone. It’s called Gorilla Glass and it’s produced by Corning. Cars equipped with this special glass and the required technology will show useful suggestions in the form of location-based ads to drivers as they travel along their routes. These ads could feature nearby restaurants, gas stations, shops, attractions, and other businesses near your location. The ads appear directly in the windshield in order to catch the driver’s eye.
Over time, the car will actually learn the driver’s buying behaviors and present ads targeted to those specific habits and preferences.
While this may sound like a freewheeling concept, some of today’s cars already have
heads-up displays that show basic data like speed and directions. However, having a much larger display of augmented reality ads right across the windshield would be a huge step into the future for both mobile advertising and auto-based driver design.
For those who worry that this futuristic windshield would drive people to distraction, experts assure that this type of display is actually safer than averting your eyes from the road to read a console-based screen or billboard.
These windshields would also be a windfall for mobile advertising, with auto-based mobile services expected to earn $1.5 trillion by 2030.
Learn the latest direction of mobile marketing. Contact MDG.
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